Electric Water Heaters
>> Monday, August 25, 2014
Water heaters are the devices which are used for heating the water for its various uses. The water heating process is a thermodynamic procedure, where the water is heated above the initial temperature. Normally for the domestic use, water is heated using vessels. For domestic use the heated water are used for cooking purpose, for bathing and many other purposes. But for industry use the water is heated through other techniques and the steam that is produced is also used for a number of processes.
The devices that are used for supplying constant hot water are termed as water heaters. Electric water heaters are the water heaters that use electricity for heating the water. Geysers, boilers, water heaters are some example of the devices which fall into the category of electric water heaters. For domestic use the electric water heaters are of relatively small size.
They work in a different manner as the operating mechanism is for heating a small amount of water. But in the industries the mechanism for the electric water heaters are totally different from that used for domestic use. In many countries in which there is a problem regarding constant supply of electricity, they use other fossil fuels such as petrol, gas and many more for heating water.
There are many techniques that are implemented for the electric water heaters. There are some electric water heaters which are used for instantaneous water heating purpose. This instantaneous water heating process is very dangerous and is accompanied by a number of internal mechanisms for heating the water. Gravity systems water heaters are also there, but due to the traditional method, it is not entertained so much. Some electric water heaters also serve for storage purpose.
These tanks which use to store water are known as hot water tanks as they use to store hot waters. The tanks are capable of withstanding high pressure. For domestic use the electric water heaters come in cylindrical shape which uses to heat the water to boiling temperature or desired temperature. Now a day with the increase in consumption of electricity, the electric water heaters have also replaced the traditional water heating techniques.
The electric water heaters use to come in hanging position and as in hanging position there will be less space consumption. Most of the times the hanging electric water heaters are hang to the wall of the bathroom. If the container containing the heated water bursts in the bathroom bursts somehow, then it may lead to a big accident in which a person may lose life. So there are certain precautions that must be taken before using the electric water heaters.
All the instructions must be followed properly before using the electric water heaters. There are a number of companies providing good varieties of electric water heaters depending on their capacity. So it is always better to have some knowledge before buying any of the electric water heaters.